Viridesco – 1:1 THC/CBD Distillate For Sale – Weed Hub Dispensary – Buy Weed Online


Viridesco – 1:1 THC/CBD Distillate

$30.00 $25.00

This vaping concentrate is blended in our lab from the most potent distillates high in THC and CBD.

Distillate is made by removing all undesirable parts of the cannabis plant, leaving the cannabinoids we like as a transparent golden oil perfect for pure unadulterated vaping!

This high-end vaping oil has been independently tested at MB labs to contain over 80.3% Cannabinoids!  This includes 37.0% THC and 37.3% CBD!

Sizes available: 0.5mL and 1mL

Tank: durable polished ceramic, fitting a 510-thread (the most common battery type).

Our tanks are made of impervious white ceramic to preserves terpenes and deliver the purest flavour experience!


Cannabinoid Facts %Value mg/ .5mL
Delta-9 THC 78.60 393
CannaBiChromene 1.72 9
CannaBiGerol 1.28 6
CannaBiNol 0.51 3
Delta-9 THCV Acid 0.32 2
CannaBiDiol 0.23 1
TOTAL 82.66 413



Cannabinoid Facts %Value mg/ 1mL
Delta-9 THC 78.60 786
CannaBiChromene 1.72 17
CannaBiGerol 1.28 13
CannaBiNol 0.51 5
Delta-9 THCV Acid 0.32 3
CannaBiDiol 0.23 2
TOTAL 82.66 827


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